Success Stories
Before joining COLARC’s program, James had been chronically homeless for several years and suffered from substance abuse throughout his experience living on the streets. James was determined to lead a new life. We paired him with home health and linked him to a local recovery center for SUD. The team worked with James to make sure he did not miss his SUD appointments, physician visits, and that he was always present for his home health visits. Eventually, James was physically well, and desired to find a job. We helped him with job applications and assisted with transitioning him to a Sober Living. James completed his stay at COLARC- he was healthy, had a new job, a new place to live, remained sober- a new life.

Before joining COLARC’s program, James had been chronically homeless for several years and suffered from substance abuse throughout his experience living on the streets. James was determined to lead a new life. We paired him with home health and linked him to a local recovery center for SUD. The team worked with James to make sure he did not miss his SUD appointments, physician visits, and that he was always present for his home health visits. Eventually, James was physically well, and desired to find a job. We helped him with job applications and assisted with transitioning him to a Sober Living. James completed his stay at COLARC- he was healthy, had a new job, a new place to live, remained sober- a new life.

Keith discharged to COLARC chronically ill and required ADL assistance. From our initial clinical assessment for Keith upon entering COLARC, we learned he frequently re-admitted to the hospital due to symptoms of exacerbation. We tailored his plan of care based on his behavioral and clinical needs, as we do for every member. To combat re-admissions, Keith received palliative care to manage his pain and symptom issues. While at COLARC, Keith had 6 ED diversions and zero hospitalizations. Keith stabilized and transitioned to permanent housing.

Keith discharged to COLARC chronically ill and required ADL assistance. From our initial clinical assessment for Keith upon entering COLARC, we learned he frequently re-admitted to the hospital due to symptoms of exacerbation. We tailored his plan of care based on his behavioral and clinical needs, as we do for every member. To combat re-admissions, Keith received palliative care to manage his pain and symptom issues. While at COLARC, Keith had 6 ED diversions and zero hospitalizations. Keith stabilized and transitioned to permanent housing.

Larry had been in and out of the ER due to poor health. He was hit by car and required post-acute treatment for his injuries upon discharging to COLARC. Larry struggled on the streets and was homeless for nearly 22 years. Our team guided Larry to treatment for sobriety and connected Larry to permanent housing. “Coming to this place was the best thing that has ever happened to me in the last 22 years”, states Larry, as we paid a follow up visit with him at his new home.
Larry had been in and out of the ER due to poor health. He was hit by car and required post-acute treatment for his injuries upon discharging to COLARC. Larry struggled on the streets and was homeless for nearly 22 years. Our team guided Larry to treatment for sobriety and connected Larry to permanent housing. “Coming to this place was the best thing that has ever happened to me in the last 22 years”, states Larry, as we paid a follow up visit with him at his new home.
"COLARC, I call them my angels. They saved me coming from a traumatic experience with my injuries. I personally appreciate the staff for helping me and will be forever grateful. Being with COLARC, I received more support and medical assistance than I’ve had in nine months".
"COLARC, I call them my angels. They saved me coming from a traumatic experience with my injuries. I personally appreciate the staff for helping me and will be forever grateful. Being with COLARC, I received more support and medical assistance than I’ve had in nine months".